by Dick Luedke If you're looking for a little amusement, find a three-year-old and present him/her with a piece of paper that contains only the borders of the state of Illinois. Ask the youngster to scribble inside those borders for a while. Then find a map that outlines Illinois' current Congressional districts. Next, ask a nearby adult to tell you which one was created by a … [Read more...]
OJ Simpson Verdict – 20 Years Later
By Dick LuedkeThe 20th anniversary of the OJ Simpson verdict inspired volumes of media attention on the trial that gripped our nation. As we revisited that chapter of our of history earlier this year, many of us expressed incredulity that a jury of his peers sent Mr. Simpson out of that courtroom and into the bright sunshine of Los Angeles as a free man on that early October … [Read more...]
Muhammad Ali – a memory & an introduction
By Dick LuedkeIt was right about when I became a teenager that my addiction was identified. My father was the one who confronted me. He said I had become a "sportoholic". He was genuinely concerned about the extent to which spectator sports had taken over his son's young life. He was a man who knew all about addiction. But my attention to his warning was perfunctory. My primary … [Read more...]
John Meyer, Founder & Owner of The Breeze & The Sea Breeze
By Dick LuedkeThe story has been told over and over again. The American citizen presses his shoulder to the wheel for 40 years or so and finally makes it to a finish line that at times seemed unreachable. Retirement! The hard-working American rides off into the sunset for two or three decades of extreme leisure. It's this image that allows so many of us to keep our shoulders to … [Read more...]