Advertise On The Breeze
The Breeze combines the power of traditional radio with the global reach of the World Wide Web to help you make the most of your advertising dollars. And we do this by providing solutions designed specifically for you and your business.
Among the options we offer:
- Direct sales of products and services on our Web site
- Web site ads including banners, pop-ups, and skyscrapers
- Sponsorship of compilation CDs created from the music we play
- Promotion of independent artists including CD sales
- Gateway ads, heard each time someone begins listening to our audio stream
No matter what your advertising needs, we can help. Contact us as or give us a call at (219) 661-9140.
We look forward to hearing from you!
The Breeze Advertising Policies
Audio and Website Ads
- We reserve the right to reject any advertising that does not meet our broadcast standards.
- All advertising must be for legal establishments.
- We will not accept any advertising that we consider to be lewd or immoral.
- All invoices are to be paid in U.S. currency within 10 days of receipt by client.
- All political advertising must be paid in advance.
- A late fee of 1% per month will be assessed on any invoices not paid by the 10th of the month.
- We reserve the right to remove any advertising that is delinquent in payment.
- In case of technical difficulties we reserve the right to discontinue our stream in order to make repairs.
- Every attempt will be made to run commercials as per client request.
- We will make good on any ads not run because of technical difficulties.
- We will not divulge lists of advertisers without their permission. (See our Privacy Policy.)
Rate card for
$18.00 per spot 3 times per day- 7 days 1 year
20.00 6 months
24.00 3 months
28.00 1 months
32.00 2 weeks
36.00 1 week
$20.00 per spot 2 times per day- 7days 1 year
24.00 6 months
28.00 3 months
32.00 1 month
36.00 2 weeks
42.00 1 week
$24.00 per spot 1 time per day- 7 days 1 year
28.00 6 months
32.00 3 months
36.00 1 month
42.00 2 weeks
48.00 1 week
$16.00 per spot 5 times per day- 7 days 1 year
18.00 6 months
20.00 3 months
24.00 1 month
28.00 2 weeks
32.00 1 week
$14.00 per spot 10 times per day- 7 days 1 year
16.00 6 months
18.00 3 months
20.00 1 month
24.00 2 weeks
28.00 1 week
$12.00 per spot 15 times per day- 7 days 1 year
14.00 6 months
16.00 3 months
18.00 1 month
20.00 2 weeks
24.00 1 week
$10.00 per spot 20 times per day- 7 days 1 year
12.00 6 months
14.00 3 months
16.00 1 month
18.00 2 weeks
20.00 1 week
$8.00 per spot 25 times per day- 7 days 1 year
10.00 6 months
12.00 3 months
14.00 1 month
16.00 2 weeks
18.00 1 week
Commercial and visual ad – newspaper ad.
30 sec. Spots are 60% of 60 sec. Spots
All spots are 60 sec, 30 sec. Or 15 sec.
Stand alone spots
Commercial and streaming ad of 60 sec. Rate
Gateway ad add 50%
Early out pay highest rate or rate earned at out.
Price includes production work
Copy changes, monthly if desired
All payments due monthly upon receipt
Pre pay 5% discount
Sales commission 20%
Showcase web site preparation includes:
$ 5.00 per cd sold
Client presents ready to use site
Domain registrastion
Check competition rates
Loyal listener newsletter
$ 300.00 per hour broker time 1 hour per week 13 weeks
200.00 26 weeks
100.00 52 weeks
$ 200.00 per week 5 hours per week 13 weeks
150.00 26 weeks
75.00 52 weeks